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It is 5000*(1.06)4*11/2 = 5000*1.0622 = 5000*3.064 approx = 18017.69

You realise, of course, that 6 percent quarterly is equivalent to over 26% per year!

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Q: What is 5000 compounded quarterly at 6 percent for 5 and a half years?
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5000 compounded annually at 6 percent for 5 years?

7,093 * * * * * No, that is for 6 years. For 5 years it is 5000*(1.06)5 = 6691.13

What is 5000 dollars compounded semiannually at 6 percent for 5 years?

5000 x (1.03)10 = $6719.58

Calculate the future value of 5000 compounded annually ay 6 percent for 5 years?

5000 x (1.06)5 = 5000 x 1.338 = 6691.13

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You will have 5000 dollars × (1 + 8/100)18 = 19,980 dollars.

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Find the present value of 5000 if the innterest paid is at a rate of percent 7 compounded continuosly for 4 years?

The formula to calculate the present amount including compound interest is A = P(1 + r/n)nt where P is the principal amount, r is the annual rate expressed as a decimal , t is the number of years, and n is number of times per year that interest is compounded. In the question, P = 5000, r = 0.07, t = 4, and n = 1 A = 5000(1 + 0.07)4 = 5000 x 1.074 = 5000 x 1.310796 = 6553.98

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Principal amount 5,000 Interest rate 9 percent per year = 0.09 Continuous compounding Number of years 7 Future value = P e^rt Future value = (5000) e^(0.09)(7) Amount after 7 years = $9,388.05

How many years will it take 50 to reach 5000 at a rate of 5 percent?

If you are talking money and interest, then if the interest is simple interest then 5000 = 50 x N x 0.05, hence N = 5000/25 = 200 years If the interest is compounded then 50x(1.05)^N = 5000 Hence (1,05)^N = 100 N x log(1.05) = log(100) ...........(log is to base 10) N = 100/log(1.05) N = 2/0.02118 N = 94.42 years approximately

What is the payback on 5000 with 10 percent interest for 3 years?

It is 6655.