

What is 7 units to the right?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is 7 units to the right?
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If its a right angle triangle with an hypotenuse of 25 units then the sides are 7 and 24 units

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If the two legs are 7 units, this being a right angled triangle, by Pythagoras, the hypotenuse will be 7*sqrt(2) = 9.90 units long. Then the periimeter is 7+7+9.90 = 23.90 units.

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It will move but won't change shape or size

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Not too sure of the question and answer needed but if it is a right angle triangle with an hypotenuse of 25 units then to comply with Pythagoras; theorem it sides must be 15 units and 20 units.

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56 sq. units A = 1/2 Base x Height A = 1/2 (7 x 16)

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37 * * * * * No. Total surface area = Lateral area + 2*base area = 10*3 + 2*7 = 30 + 14 = 44 sq units.

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56 square units

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417.83 units squared