The answer depends on the units used for 8.4 It should be obvious to anybody that 8.4 years in days will be very different from 8.4 hours in days and so on. So asking the question without units is wasting everyone's time.
84 days = 120,960 minutes.
84 weeks is 588 days.
There are 7 days in a week 84 days/ 7days per week = 12 weeks
There are 83 days in a normal year, 84 days in a leap year: In 2010 there were 83 days In 2011 there were 83 days In 2012 there were 84 days In 2013 there were 83 days In 2014 there were 83 days In 2015 there were 83 days In 2016 there were 84 days
84 hours divided by 24 (hours in a day) = 3 days 12 hours or 3.5 days
There are 30,660 days in 84 years (84 years x 365 days/year).
84 days = 120,960 minutes.
84 weeks is 588 days.
The 10th of May 2012 was 84 days before the 2nd of August 2012 and the 25th of October 2012 was 84 days after it.The 10th of May 2012 was 84 days before the 2nd of August 2012 and the 25th of October 2012 was 84 days after it.The 10th of May 2012 was 84 days before the 2nd of August 2012 and the 25th of October 2012 was 84 days after it.The 10th of May 2012 was 84 days before the 2nd of August 2012 and the 25th of October 2012 was 84 days after it.The 10th of May 2012 was 84 days before the 2nd of August 2012 and the 25th of October 2012 was 84 days after it.The 10th of May 2012 was 84 days before the 2nd of August 2012 and the 25th of October 2012 was 84 days after it.The 10th of May 2012 was 84 days before the 2nd of August 2012 and the 25th of October 2012 was 84 days after it.The 10th of May 2012 was 84 days before the 2nd of August 2012 and the 25th of October 2012 was 84 days after it.The 10th of May 2012 was 84 days before the 2nd of August 2012 and the 25th of October 2012 was 84 days after it.The 10th of May 2012 was 84 days before the 2nd of August 2012 and the 25th of October 2012 was 84 days after it.The 10th of May 2012 was 84 days before the 2nd of August 2012 and the 25th of October 2012 was 84 days after it.
=there are 84 days in 12 weeks==there are 84 days in 12 weeks==there are 84 days in 12 weeks=
There are 7 days in a week 84 days/ 7days per week = 12 weeks
84 days is exactly 12 weeks. Because there are 7 days in each week, you simply divide the total days in each week (7) by the total number of days (84) which would give you an answer of 12 weeks.
There are 83 days in a normal year, 84 days in a leap year: In 2010 there were 83 days In 2011 there were 83 days In 2012 there were 84 days In 2013 there were 83 days In 2014 there were 83 days In 2015 there were 83 days In 2016 there were 84 days
84 days exactly.
84 hours divided by 24 (hours in a day) = 3 days 12 hours or 3.5 days
84 years would be 30,660 days. This is calculated by multiplying 84 years by the average number of days in a year (365.25).
In a day there is 24 hours,84 hours is 3 and a half days! :D