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Q: What is Average per cover formula?
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What is the formula of average per cover?

the number of sales / number of covers

What is the meaning of average cover?

This question doesn't specifically define which meaning of average cover you are looking for. The meaning of average per cover in restaurants is the total number of sales divided by the cover per sale.

How do you calculate average per cover in restaurant?

Ya work it out bro.

What is the formula to calculate average sales per hour?

The formula to calculate average sales per hours is P/T. P is the total number of products sold and T is the amount of time it took to sale the products. For example, 100 items told in fives hours has an average sales per of 20.

The formula for average speed is?

Average speed over a period of time = (distance covered in a period of time) divided by (time it took to cover the distance).

How can you calculate the average speed of a moving object?

You can calculate the average speed of a moving object by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. The formula for average speed is speed = distance / time.

What is the average monthly electric bill for 1 person in Jacksonville?

The average monthly electric bill for one person in Jacksonville, Florida is around $120 to $150. This can vary depending on the size of the living space, energy usage habits, and the efficiency of appliances.

How long the trip will take The flight will cover 4800 miles at an average speed of 600 miles per hour How long is the flight from Washington DC to London Use the distance formula?

The flight would take 8 hours.

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COI = Average required cubic storage footage / average numbers of orders

How do calculate ARR?

Average Rate of Return is calculated by using the formula: (Net return per year / initial investment) x 100 Average Rate of Return is calculated by using the formula: (Net return per year / initial investment) x 100

How do you calculate arr?

Average Rate of Return is calculated by using the formula: (Net return per year / initial investment) x 100 Average Rate of Return is calculated by using the formula: (Net return per year / initial investment) x 100

What is the formula for finding average speed in miles per hour?

Distance travelled divided by time taken.