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Q: What is Common expression for something difficult to achieve?
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You'll need at least two expressions to find something in common between them.

What is a byword?

A byword is a proverbial expression, common saying or phrase, or something which stands for something else, for sharing some of that item's traits.

What the meaning of common expression?

according to erwin f.ergino common expression is to share the knowledge to other .common expression is the common sence.

Is acknowledgment a noun?

Yes, acknowledgement is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for an acceptance of something or an expression of gratitude or appreciation for something.

How do you factor xn - yn?

What you need to do is look for a common term throughout the expression. i.e. something that is multiplying everypart of the expression. In this case the common term is n. This common term goes on the outside the bracket: n(x-y) = xn - yn

What is the least common factor of X squared - 64?

I think you're mixing a few concepts here. In order to find something in common with something else, you need at least two things. You have only one expression here. The least common factor of any set of integers is 1. I suspect you may want to factor this expression. There is a formula for the difference of squares. This factors to (x - 8)(x + 8) You could compare those factors to the factors of another expression to find something in common between them.

Can something go rye?

The phrase "go rye" is not a common expression. Can you provide more context or clarify your question?

What is common phrase or expression?

an idiomatic expression

Is unknown waters a common noun?

'Unknown' is an adjective, 'waters' is a common noun. Possibly the expression is the title of something in particular that you meant, in which case you should have capitalised it.

do you say "looking forward to it" as " don't miss it"?

Yes. The definition of looking forward to it is... The expression "look forward to" is a common expression in English. It means "to expect (something) with pleasure." It is used to say that you are happy that something is going to happen.

Can you compare anything to anything else?

It helps if they have something in common or a common use. You can compare a puppy to a brick, but it is kind of difficult and pointless.