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Q: What is For an investment of 20 000 at 7.2a compounded semi-annually for 7 years what is the value of i ( periodic rate of interest ) and n ( total number of compounding periods )?
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What is compound interest semiannually?

Interest is compounded semiannually if the interest is calculated every six months and added to the capital.

The future value of a 1000 investment today at 8 percent annual interest compounded semiannually for 5 years is?


What Compounding frequency?

Compounding frequency refers to how often interest is calculated and added to the principal amount in an investment or loan. Common compounding frequencies include daily, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually. The more frequently interest is compounded, the higher the overall return or cost will be on the investment or loan.

What is the rate on an investment that tripples 2435 in 5 years. Assume interest is compounded monthly?

It doesn't matter how much the original investment is. If it triples in 5 yearswith monthly compounding, then the interest rate is 22.175% (rounded)

The concepts of simple interest and compound interest and how these affected the results of your investment exercise?

Simple interest (compounded once) Initial amount(1+interest rate) Compound Interest Initial amount(1+interest rate/number of times compounding)^number of times compounding per yr

What is the effective rate of 13.5 percent when the interest is compounded semiannually?

It is 1.135^2 - 1 = 28.8%

Find the effective rate when the stated rate is 13.5 percent and the interest is compounded semiannually?


Does the more compounding periods per year decreases the total amount of interest you receive over the year?

No. The more often it's compounded, the more interest you receive,and the faster your investment grows.

How much interest will 20000 earn in two years if invested at 6 percent compounded semiannually?


How much interest will 10000 earn in 18 months if invested at 8 percent compounded semiannually?


What is 20000 in 30 years with 7 percent interest compounded semiannually?

It is 20000*(1.07)^60 = 1158928.54

What is 20000 in 5 years with 7 percent interest compounded semiannually?

After 5 years, 20000 at 7% per annum compounded semiannually will be 20000*(1 + 0.5*7/100)2*5 = 20000*(1.035)10 = 28211.98