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Q: What is Substitute a number for each variable and evaluate the results?
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How do you evaluate a math expression?

The evaluate a algebraic math expression you first must substitute a number for each variable. Then you must perform the operation in the correct order.

How do you determine whether a number is a solution of an equation?

Substitute the value found back into the equation, evaluate the expressions and see if the resulting equation is true.

When you replace the variable with a number and perform the operations you blank an expression?


Replacing each variable with a number in an expression and simplifying the result?


What is an algebra expression you replace each variable with a number?

evaluation, evaluate.

A number that you can substitute for the variable to make the equation true?

A solution!

When you replace each variable with a number and then follow order of operations is called what?


What is the meaning of evaluate in maths?

to evaluate an algebraci expression replace ech variable with a number. then follow the order of operations to dimply the expressio. Hope that helped :)

How do you decide if a number is a solution to the inequality?

Substitute the number in place of the variable, and see whether the inequality is then a true statement.

Explain how to find restrictions on the variable in a rational equation?

Substitute the variable in the denominator for a value that will make the denominator have a value of 0 or an imaginary number

Explain how to write and evaluate an algebraic expression.thirteen less than the quotient of forty and a number; evaluate when n = 2?

Sample Response: Replace keywords with variables, numbers, and operations. Less than is subtraction, and the quotient is division. Order matters with subtraction and division. The expression is 40 n -13. To evaluate is the expression, substitute 2 in for the variable, and then use order of operations to simplify. The value when n = 2 is 7.

What size is 2x?

It depends on the value of x. The x is a variable. To evaluate an expression, you need to have a value (number) to replace the x.