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Q: What is The constant value is equal to the length of the?
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Is gas constant equal to planks constant?

No, gas constant is having a value of 8.314Jk-1mol-1 Whereas plancks constant has a value of 6.6*10-31

What can you observe with the values of the product of frequency and wave length in the spectra?

It is a constant which is equal to the speed.

Why are longitudes equal in length?

Every line of constant longitude joins the north and south poles. Therefore the length of every line of constant longitude is one half of the earth's polar circumference.

How many degrees does one inch equal?

There is no constant relationship between units of length and units of angle.

How do you use an arc length integral to show the length of the circle of radius r?

The integral from 0 to 2 pi of your constant value r will equal the circumference. This will be equal to 2*pi*r. This can be derived because of the following: Arc length = integral from a to b of sqrt(r^2-(dr/dtheta)^2) dtheta. By substituting the equation r = a constant c, dr/dtheta will equal 0, a will equal 0, and b will equal 2pi (the radians in a circle). By substitution, this becomes the integral from 0 to 2 pi of sqrt(c^2 + 0)dtheta, which leads us back to the original formula.

What is the expectation value of the momentum squared for a particle in a box?

The expectation value of the momentum squared for a particle in a box is equal to (n2 h2) / (8 m L2), where n is the quantum number, h is the Planck constant, m is the mass of the particle, and L is the length of the box.

Show that the value of universal gas constant is equal to 0.82054?

8.314 jul/mol/kalvin

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"What are length constant and wedge constant in newton's laws of motion?"

How many degrees does one one thousandth of an inch equal?

There is no constant relationship between units of length and units of angle.

What is the slope of a constant velocity?

The slope of a velocity-time graph for an object moving at a constant velocity is equal to the value of the constant velocity.

What is a constant in computer?

In computer terms (especially in programming), a constant is a piece of data that has a set value which cannot be changed. For example, 1 and 3 are constants - they will always equal their respective values. Constants can also be set, so you could make: piValue a constant equal to 3.14.

What does pi r equal?

pi is the constant value that was given by ARYABHATTA was 3.141 and here "r" is nothing but radius