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Q: What is The essential ingredients of symmetric cipher?
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A cipher is called symmetric if it takes just as much computing time to encrypt a plaintext as it does to decrypt a ciphertext?

A symmetric cipher means that the key is the same for scrambling and unscrambling the data. Symmetric = same

Which symmetric cipher is considered the most secure?


What is The essential ingredients of asymmetric cipher?

Symmetric ciphers use only one key. By contrast, an asymmetric cipher will use two keys. One key is kept "private" by the the owner while the other is "published" or otherwise released to the public (hence known as the "public key"). Data encrypted by one key can only be decrypted using the other key.

What symmetric algorithm encrypts data one bit at a time?

Example of a stream cipher

What are the characteristics of the advance symmetric block cipher?

Some characteristics of an Advanced Symmetric Block Cipher are key dependent S-boxes, data dependent rotation, variable plaintext or ciphertext block length, and operations on both plain and ciphered data.

How are classical encryption techniques like modern symmetric-key cipher?

In symmetric key techniques there is a single key and that key is kept secret. Symmetric key is a like a sub part of classical encryption.

Why is it important to study feistel cipher?

Is the structure used by many signifi-cant symmetric block ciphers currently in use.

What is the diffie-hellman cipher?

Diffie-Hellman is not as much a cipher as a means of securing exchanging keys. You would use it to securely notify someone else of a symmetric shared key that you both would use for encrypting data. Think of it as more a key exchange method utilizing public and private keys than an actual cipher methodology.

What are the essential ingredients of induction?

The essential ingredients of induction are as followed: 1) magnetism 2) conduction 3) motion

What is symmetric cipher?

A symmetric cipher is an algorithm that uses the same secret (private key) for both encryption and decryption. An asymmetric cipher is an algorithm that uses two different secrets, a public key for encryption, and a private key for decryption. In English, basically the job of cryptography algorithms are to make text or files jumbled so it can't be read except by the desired recipients. Different algorithms use different techniques for doing this such as switching the order of letters or substituting them with a different letter, and the secret provides the exact instructions on how to do that.

What are the essential brine ingredients for pickling vegetables?

The essential brine ingredients for pickling vegetables are water, vinegar, salt, and sugar.

How many keys are required for ten people to communication via a cipher?

n(n-1)/2 is the answer. Hence; 10(10-1)/2= 45 shared pairs. but this applies to symmetric only.