The first integer is 17.
Should be 50! Every odd integer is 1 less than the corresponding even integer and there are 50 of each in 100...
Between 13 and 15 there is only one even integer: 14.
sum of positive integers will be a positive integer
No. The sum of a positive integer and a negative integer has the same sign as the larger integer.
It is an integer.
An even integer is a multiple of 2 so that if x is the even integer then there is some other integer a such that x = 2a. An odd integer is one which, when you divide it by 2, leaves a remainder of 1. That is, if y is the odd integer, then y = 2b + 1 for some other integer b. Now, the sum of the even and odd integer is x + y = 2a + 2b + 1 = 2(a+b) + 1 By the closure of integers under addition, a and b are integers implies that a+b is an integer. So 2(a+b) is even and so the sum is odd.
The first integer is 17.
Should be 50! Every odd integer is 1 less than the corresponding even integer and there are 50 of each in 100...
Sum the digits in the odd positions in the integer. Sum = XSum the digits in the even positions in the integer. Sum = YIf X - Y is a multiple (including negative or 0), then the given integer is divisible by 11.
156 and 158 sum to 314.
The larger integer is 30. The smaller is 28.
Between 13 and 15 there is only one even integer: 14.
The sum of the even numbers up to 2k, where k is an integer, is k(k + 1) = k2 + k
It cannot be done. The basic rules of math. odd integer plus odd integer = even integer. odd integer plus even integer = odd integer. Always. odd integer plus odd integer plus odd integer = odd integer. Always.