

What is a Stellated octahedron?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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11y ago

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A stellated octahedron is the 3-D shape formed when two regular tetrahedra (triangular pyramids) which point in opposite directions are made to intersect. This is analogous to two equilateral triangles being drawn so that they form a hexagram (or Star of David).

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How many edges does the stellated octahedron have?

It has 12 edges... there is a Wikipedia page on the shape - including a picture, and dimensional data.

What are the perfect 3D shapes?

If you mean the regular polyhedra, they are: tetrahedron, cube (or hexahedron), octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, (Plato's 50) plus: small stellated dodecahedron, great stellated dodecahedron, great dodecahedron, great icosahedron for 9. Maybe a sphere is a perfect curved 3D figure.

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The simplest stellated polyhedral shape is the stellated tetrahedron with 12 faces (3 * 4) Others have more faces.

How many faces does an octahedron have?

An octahedron has 8 sides.An octahedron is a polyhedron with eight plane faces.

How many edges and vertices does an 62 face octahedron have?

An octahedron has eight faces. If it has 62 faces then it is not an octahedron!

How many sides does an octahedron have?

An octahedron has 8 sides.

How many corners does a octahedron have?

An octahedron has 18 corners.

How many faces has a octahedron?

a octahedron has 8 faces

Where are the eight sides of the octahedron?

They comprise the surfaces of an octahedron.

What is a sentence with octahedron?

An octahedron is a closed solid shape with eight polygonal faces.

What is a polyhedron prism with 2 hexagonal bases and rectangular faces?

It is an octahedron in the form of a hexagonal prism.It is an octahedron in the form of a hexagonal prism.It is an octahedron in the form of a hexagonal prism.It is an octahedron in the form of a hexagonal prism.

What is a octahedron solid?

An octahedron is a 3D shape with 8 sides.