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Q: What is a conclusion that can be drawn by comparing the two excerpts?
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Which of these statements is a conclusion that can be drawn by comparing the two excerpts?

study island: Russian ballet has overcome many obstacles to be ranked among the finest in the world.

What is a good way to start a conclusion when comparing and contrasting?

A good way to start a conclusion is by summing up how even though these two things ( whatever you are comparing and contrasting) had many similarity's and differences, they still did well. (or whatever your topic is about.)

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These two statements are unrelated so no conclusion can be drawn

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Mr. Can u pls show the extract in order for us to answer?

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The two things she was comparing are (1) the baloon, and (2) herself.The two things she was comparing are (1) the baloon, and (2) herself.The two things she was comparing are (1) the baloon, and (2) herself.The two things she was comparing are (1) the baloon, and (2) herself.

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Metaphor- comparing two things without using like or as. Simile- comparing two things using like or as.

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