the operations that can be used in comparing two numbers are??????
There are a few rules to perform arithmetic operations in binary numbers. According to those rules you can add or subtract binary numbers. There are only two arithmetic operations used in binary numbers, they are addition and subtraction.
The plus sign, +, is used to add two numbers together. It is one of the four basic arithmetic operations along with:Subtract, -Multiplication, x or *Division, / or ÷
Commutative Property of Multiplication
The delta between to numbers is the difference between the two. You can subtract the lower number from the higer and get you answer. The term is tipically used when comparing floating numbers or in accounting when you want to see if your cost is going to increase or decrease by a set amount.
ratio and difference
The function of the numbers in question. The process is the same. When comparing two whole numbers, we call it the LCM. When comparing two fractions, we call it the LCD.
cross product.
Right because you start with the number that begins
It is the hope of your teacher that you become as adept at manipulating numbers as you are at letters.
In math, the term comparing numbers refers to seeing which of two numbers is larger or smaller. To denote whether a number is greater or lesser than another number, you use the mathematical symbols for these terms. You also can compare two numbers using a number line.
That is called "division".
There are a few rules to perform arithmetic operations in binary numbers. According to those rules you can add or subtract binary numbers. There are only two arithmetic operations used in binary numbers, they are addition and subtraction.
1.Find the ratio of the two numbers 2. Subtract the smaller number from the bigger number
Yes, if you are comparing the number to itself.
tell how you could use a number line to determine which of two numbers is greater
One option for comparing two numbers is to subtract the first number from the second number. If the result is less than zero, the first number is larger. If the result is greater than zero, the second number is larger. If the result is zero, the numbers are equal. Another option (for positive numbers) would be to divide the first number by the second number. If the result is greater than one, the first number is larger. If the result is less than one, the second number is larger. If the result is one, the numbers are equal. This rule flips if you are comparing negative numbers.