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Q: What is a disadvantage of using a large sample size?
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Disadvantages of a large sample size confidence Interval in statistices?

A disadvantage to a large sample size can skew the numbers. It is better to have sample sizes that are appropriate based on the data.

What is the benefit of using a large sample size in an experiment?

Statistically the larger the sample size the more significant the results of the experiment are. Chance variation is ruled out.

Advantages and disadvantages of using arithmetic mean?

"The advantage is that the mean takes every value into account. A disadvantage is that it can be affected by extreme values. " The mean or more properly the "arithmetic mean" of a sample will eventually approximate the mean of the distribution of the population as the sample size increases. If the population distribution is skewed (not symmetrical), the mode and median will not provide an estimate of the mean, even as the sample size becomes large.

When the sample size is large valid confidence intervals can be established for the population mean irrespective of the shape of the underlying distribution?

Yes, but that begs the question: how large should the sample size be?

What sample size is sufficient for stat?

A sample size of one is sufficient to enable you to calculate a statistic.The sample size required for a "good" statistical estimate will depend on the variability of the characteristic being studied as well as the accuracy required in the result. A rare characteristic will require a large sample. A high degree of accuracy will also require a large sample.

Why is it important to have a large sample size?

The result will be closer to the truth.

Will a large sample size and a small sample variance produce the largest value for the estimated standard error?


What does it means if the standard deviation is large?

that you have a large variance in the population and/or your sample size is too small

Why do you use a large sample size when conducting an experiment?

Better the results

What does the Central Limit Theorem say about the traditional sample size that separates a large sample size from a small sample size?

The Central Limit Theorem states that the sampling distribution of the sample means approaches a normal distribution as the sample size gets larger — no matter what the shape of the population distribution. This fact holds especially true for sample sizes over 30.

Which of the following samples will produce the largest value for the estimated standard error?

A small sample size and a large sample variance.

Which is more effective in minimizing instrument error in an experiment?

having a large sample size