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Q: What is a entry 3 equivalent to in maths?
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What does is equivlint to mean in maths?

Equivalent means equal to something.

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I think it means "is equivalent to".


They are Roman numerals equivalent to 22 = XXII

Is 1 third and 1 third equivalent?

How the heck should i know but i think 1/3 is prob the same as this 1/3 well not my fault ur not great at maths bye bye

Fractions equivalent to 0.375?

Well..... Im not a maths GENIOUS but ........ I DONT KNOW!

What is 6 over 2 in maths?

It is 3.

Do you need and a level in maths to be a pharmacist?

My best suggestion would be to check the entry requirements for pharmaceutical studies/chemistry at universities you're interested in.

When did the phrase do the math become common?

Our country (Australia ) says 'Do the maths' . It's plural, otherwise the equivalent would be, do the sum' when in actual fact, one is calculating sums plural. Our school subject is also Maths-eg did you do your maths homework?

What qualifications do pharmacy technicians need?

There are no minimum entry requirements to enter training as a pharmacy technician, although you will usually be expected to have four GCSEs at Grade C or above, or the equivalent, including English, science and maths. You will then need to obtain a trainee post either at a hospital or in a community pharmacy.

What does an equivalent number mean in maths?

It i a number with the same value but written or represented in a different form.

You have certificate in adult literacy level 2.Is this higher than esol entry 3?

It should be. The entry levels are less than the ordinary ones, so you have entry 1, entry 2, entry 3, 1, 2, 3, 4... There may be odd bits of the ESOL entry 3 that aren't in the certificate in adult literacy, but there shouldn't be much difference.