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Q: What is a example of a deposit in math?
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the definition of deposit and withdrawal

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Which of these describes a time deposit?

Money in a savings account is an example of a time deposit.

Which branch of math is also a dental problem?

The answer is Calculus, which is a branch of mathematics, and also a deposit on teeth.

Theo had a balance of -4 in his savings account. After making a deposit he has $25 in his account. What is the overall change in his account?

The overall change to his account was making a deposit of 29. The math would be -4 + 29 = 25 for his current balance.

What is the definition with an example for junction in math?

math is funn...

What type of math do you need to know to be a banker?

You need 2 know hands on math loan math deposit and many many more so study very hard and watch out 4 robbers.

How would you use deposit in a sentence?

Example sentence - My grandparents deposit money in my college savings account on my birthday.

Difference in deposit and remit?

I think it's all how you use it in a sentence; example, "I made a deposit at the bank" or "you can remit your deposit to the bank". I could be wrong but that's my understanding.

Is deposit a verb or a noun or an adjective?

Deposit is a verb or a noun but not an adjective. Example uses:As a verb: Let's stop at the bank so I can deposit my paycheck.As a noun: The deposit of sediment had completely blocked the drainage system.