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Q: What is a figure with eight sides and eight angles?
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A convex figure has eight sides. What is the sum of its exterior angles?

How many angles are there in a regular octagon?

Whether it is a regular or irregular octagon does not matter. An octagon is, by definition, a 2-dimensional figure with eight sides, and therefore with eight angles. A regular octagon will have eight equal angles and an irregular octagon will have eight angles some of which are not equal to the others.

Does a octagon have 8 equal sides or just 8 sides?

Both, in a way. An octagon gets its name from the word meaning, "eight angles" so an octagon can have eight unequal sides. However, a regular octagon is a closed eight-sided figure with sides of the same length and internal angles of the same size.

What makes an octagon an octagon?

An octagon is a polygon with eight sides and eight angles. All eight sides of an octagon are equal in length, and all eight angles are equal, measuring 135 degrees. These properties define the shape of an octagon and distinguish it from other polygons.

Which plane figure has eight sides?

A plane figure with eight sides is an octagon.

How can a similar figure not be congruent?

if the angles of a figure are the same but the sides aren't, it is similiar. Congruent is angles and sides exactly the same

An Octagon is a polygon with eight sides and eight?

...eight interior and exterior angles. ANGLES

What figure has five sides and five angles?

A pentagon has five sides and five angles.

What figure has no sides and no angles?

a circle

What plane figure has six sides and six angles?

A hexagon has six sides and six angles.

What figure has exactly four equal sides and four equal angles?

A figure with 4 equal sides and 4 equal angles is a square :)

A four sided figure with 4 equal sides and no right angles?

A figure with four equal sides and no right angles is a rhombus. A rhombus is comprised of two acute angles and two obtuse angles.