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Q: What is a good seed for minecraft1.2.4?
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Related questions

What are the good qualities of a good seed?

take a container with water pit seeds in container the seed which sinks is healthy seed and which floats is unhealthy seed which is not for use.

What is a good seed to get diamonds in?


What has only one seed?

Many fruits only have one seed. A peach is a good example of this.

What is a good tall mountain seed for minecraft pe?

I think the best mountain seed is nyan !

What is the best seed for Minecraft?

A good seed for minecraft 1.2.5 is "999" it is good right now with a stronghold right under spawn and a skelle spawner!

What is the difference between ovule and seed?

You are not good

What is a good snowy seed for minecraft?


What is a flatland seed mine craft PE?

it not flat at all but jpgaming is a good seed with diamonds hidden

What is the seed for a flat terrain?

the_planes is a good seed it is not totally flat but u spawn in a flat area

How do you grow a copper beech from seed?

You would need to be extremely lucky to get a good copper beech from seed. Better to buy a good one from a tree nursery.

How good is Cutting Edge grass seed?

It is a good brand for grass seeds.

What are the aim's of seed bed preparation?

The aims of seed bed preparation are to create a favorable environment for seed germination and plant growth by breaking up soil clumps, incorporating organic matter, leveling the soil surface, and promoting good seed-to-soil contact. This process helps to ensure uniform seed placement, good seed-soil contact, and optimal conditions for seedling emergence and establishment.