

Best Answer

A mapping.

It need not be a function or a formula since these have additional requirements that are not part of this question.

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Q: What is a mathematical operation that changes one figure into another figure?
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What is a plain figure concept in math?

There is no such concept in maths. A plane figure is a mathematical concept but that is not what the question is about.

What is a mathematical reflection?

It is a transformation representing a flip of a figure or drawing

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A new figure made after a transformation is called?

In mathematical terms, the figure that is made after a transformation is what is known as an image. Prior to the chance, the figure is called the pre-image. Changing into an image can take place after four types of mathematical transformations: translation, reflection, rotation and dilation.

What operation is less than?

Your question is unclear but a minus operation produces a lower figure in most cases.

What is the rule that describes transformation?

The transformation rule states that a transformation is an operation that moves, flips, or changes the size or shape of a figure to create a new figure that is congruent to the original. This rule is used in geometry to describe how geometric figures can be altered while maintaining their essential properties.

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