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Q: What is a millionth of a second called?
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What is a million millionth of a second called?

A second! 1 = Ten tenths = Hundred hundredths = Thousand thousandths etc. A millionth of a millionth of a second, or 1/(1million x 1 million) seconds, is called a picosecond. 1/(1 million) seconds, or one millionth of a second, is called a microsecond. 1/(1000 x 1million) seconds, or one thousandth of a microsecond, is called a nanosecond.

Is a nanosecond one millionth of a second?

No, a nanosecond is one billionth of a second, not one millionth.

What is a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a second notated in numbers?

A millionth is 10-6 or 0.000001; so 4 millionths multiplied together is 10-24 seconds or 0.000000000000000000000001 seconds. (10-6)4 = 10-24 second = 0.000000000000000000000001 second (The 4 millionths are not "multiplied together". One millionth is raised to the fourth power.)

How long does nanosecond last a millionth of a second or a billionth of a second?

How long does a nanosecond last, a millionth of a second or a billionth of a second?A nanosecond lasts a billionth of a second.

What is a milli second and othe fractions of a second?

millionth of a second

Measurement scale at one millionth of a meter?

A millionth of a meter is called a micrometer, often abbreviated as "micron".A millionth of a meter is called a micrometer, often abbreviated as "micron".A millionth of a meter is called a micrometer, often abbreviated as "micron".A millionth of a meter is called a micrometer, often abbreviated as "micron".

What is one millionth of a second called?

One millionth of a second is called a microsecond (as can be found at College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Boston University There is some conjecture that the correct answer to this question could also be a billisecond (in that in Imperial Measure milli means one thousandth and billi means one millionth).

What is one hundred-millionth of a centimeter called?

One hundred-millionth of a centimetre is one millionth of a meter called a micrometer and written with the Greek *mju* character: µ

What is a Millionth of a Second?

A millionth of a second is one microsecond. It is the length of time a beam of light, traveling about 3 x 108 meters per second, will take to go about 300 meters.

How long is a femtosecond?

A femtosecond is one billionth of one millionth of a second.

What is one millionth of a meter in figures called?


How for does sound travel in one millionth of a second?

Sound travels about 0.34 millimeters in one millionth of a second. So, if you're trying to eavesdrop on your neighbor's conversation, you better have some supersonic hearing to catch anything meaningful in that tiny timeframe. Good luck with that!