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Q: What is a note of different lengths made into a pattern?
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Where would you find a quaver crotchet and a semibreve?

In written sheet music. They are different lengths of note.

How does a piano make a noise?

If it's a Grand Piano the strings inside of the piano are different lengths and different thicknesses creating sounds when you play a note.

How are different notes obtained through a woodwind instrument?

covering the holes lengths the tube, therefore giving a lower note

How many months are in 78 weeks?

Please note that different months have different lengths, so an exact answer is not possible. Divide the number of weeks by 4.35 to get an approximation.

How do pipes work?

The noise is simply made by air vibrating down tubes of different lengths and diameters. Blowing across the tops of the tubes sets up a vibration. The frequency (pitch/note) is determined by the physical dimensions of the tubes. If you blow across the top of an empty bottle you will hear a note. Try blowing across the top of a different sized bottle, or a bottle partly filled with water and you will get a different note. Pan pipes are constructed to take advantage of this phenomenon.

How many parallel sides does a trapezium have?

A trapezium has 1 pair of opposite parallel sides of different lengths. Note that sometimes a trapezium is called a trapezoid

What is different between a birds call and a birds song?

(call) one is a single note, (song) is a speical pattern of notes.

Why do the bars on a xylophone make a different sounds?

the size of bars determine the pitch..(lgth,width)

Is a British pound made of paper?

No! Only £5, £10, £15, £20, and £50 pound note are made of paper. £1's and £2's are made of different metals.

What are the different kind of note?

whole note,half note, quarter note,eighth note,sixteenth note, and 32note

What is the musical word to describe a rhythmic pattern of quaver crotchet quaver?

Quaver crotchet quaver, or eighth note quarter note eighth note, is a rhythmic pattern often referred to as syncopation.

Which type of quadilateral has diagonals which are not equal?

Parallelogram, trapezoid, rhombus and a kite are some of them Note that a square and a rectangle have diagonals of equal lengths