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Q: What is a peridontal root planning per quadrant?
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How much does scaling and root planning cost?

I just paid $225 per quadrant. They were able to do two quadrants one day and two the following week thus completing the entire mouth. Aggressive and discomforting at times but my mouth is happy for it!

What is the procedure for dental code 4341?

Dental code 4341 refers to scaling and root planing per quadrant involving four or more teeth.

How many premolars?

In humans, there are two premolars per quadrant, making eight premolars total in the mouth.

Cost of root planing dental procedure by dentists?

i just got an estimate of about $6000 dollars. I am not pleased about it. Does anyone know of another way to handle this? I am 38 years old and I was told my teeth are that of a 50 or 60 year old.

What is the average cost of gum grafting per tooth or per quadrant after having gum surgery?

Between $500 and $1,000 depending where you live.

What is the root word for perfunctorily?

the root word for perfunctorily is per-

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What is the cube root of 318?

6.825.... per calculator.

What is the Greek root word of the name 'Antigone'?

It's a name. It doesn't have a "root word" per se.

What is the square root of the speed of light in metres-second?

The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second .The magnitude of the square root of that quantity is roughly 17,314.5 ,and its unit is [ square root of (meter / second) ] .The square root of a speed has no physical significance or meaning.

Is there any sodium in root beer?

Yes. Root Beer (*Mug's [the dog one]) has 67mg Sodium per can.

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In order to execute the Site As Per Bar Chart that is Site Planning