A protract is a tool used in math class. You generally start learning how to use it in 5th grade. A protractor is used to measure the angle between two lines that intersect.
A Protactor is used to measure different andgle by putting the middle of the protactor ( occasionally it should have a dot on the protractor / where you want to measure) then you either measure the reading the measurements inside or out.
with a protactor......
Degrees of angles are measured with a protractor.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
The Gaussian distribution is the single most important distribution.
A protactor ,ruler, and a straightedge
A Protactor is used to measure different andgle by putting the middle of the protactor ( occasionally it should have a dot on the protractor / where you want to measure) then you either measure the reading the measurements inside or out.
Mandarin is the most widely used Chinese dialect.
An instrument used for drawing and measuring angles
Television is the most widely used form of mass media.
Television is the most widely used form of mass media.
The most widely used cookbook in America is the American Century Cookbook.
The most widely used burnable fuel is gasoline, which is commonly used in vehicles for transportation.
to measure the angles
to measures the angles
a widely used antibiotic
Cantonese dialect is the second most widely used language in China.