

Best Answer

3 1/2 + 5 1/3 =

  1. 8
  2. 8 2/5 **
  3. 8 5/6
  4. 2/5
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Q: What is a question for a fraction?
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How do you spell fraction?

fraction becides you spelled it in the question

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Question is meaningless in present form. 59 as a fraction of what? Or what as a fraction of 59?

What fraction is higher?

There is no fraction shown! How can we answer a question without the right information?

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To answer this question, you need to tell us a fraction of what. e.g. a fraction of a mile? a fraction of a kilometre? etc.

How do you get the answer for fraction?

It all depends on what the question is!

What is 2 answers to the fraction 1-6?

A fraction is not a question. It's just a number.

What fraction is lesser than octa?

The question cannot be answered because "octa" is not a fraction.

How is 1.25 written in fraction?

I asked that question

What is 0.81 as a fraction?

the answer to this question is 81/100

24 million fraction of 4?

I am not sure that the question that you actually asked is the question that you wanted to ask but ...24 million, as a fraction of 4, is 96 million.

What is -0.43 repeating as a fraction?

It is not possible to answer the question because it is ambiguous: the answer depends on what string is repeating. It is not clear from the question whether the fraction is meant to be -0.434343... or -0.43333... .

What is 10.07 repeating as a fraction?

It is not possible to answer the question because it is ambiguous: the answer depends on what string is repeating. It is not clear from the question whether the fraction is meant to be 10.070707... or 10.0777... .