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Q: What is a real world example of an rack and pinion?
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A fjord is a real world example of a fjord! They exist in the real world.

How can you know if your racket and pinion and not your power steering pump that has gone bad?

pump will usally make noise while full of fluid rack will stick when cold or low rpm and work fine at times if its sometimes the problem look at rack.if fluid is dirty or real dark go to rack

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The Equator is a real world example, being the circumference of the Earth.

What is the real world example?

Of what?

What is an open framework for holding things?

ok so the real answer is a self or a rack and trust me

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Example is too omitted to be real. Example is much more unresponsive

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a example of a hendecagon is a hedecagon

Can you give me some REAL world examples?

A real world example of what? Math in general? Geometry nets? Name the math concept and it'll be easier for readers to give you a real world example.

What is a real world example?

A real-world example of poetry can be anything that focuses on a real event that happened. For example, it could be about the Twin Towers, Great Wall of China, or about the wars the USA. had to go through.

What are examples of intersecting lines in the real world?

Roads are an example of intersecting lines in the real world.