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Q: What is a short acre?
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Does acre have a long a sound?

No, the word "acre" is typically pronounced with a short "a" sound, like "ak-er."

Is 200ft x 2ooft acre?

It will be a little bit short of an acre. An acre contains 43,560 square feet. The conversion says that it would be closer to 210 by 210.

What is the dimension of a one acre lot?

One acre = 43,560 square feet (4047 square meters) The lot can be any shape, but an acre in the shape of a square would be about just short of 207 feet on each side.

A short sentence with th word arce?

An example of a sentence using the word "acre" is "My father was not willing to buy the 100-acre land offered by the escrow because it was too expensive." Acre is a unit used to measure area.

How many sm in one acre?

If SM is short for Square meter, here is your answer: 1 acre = 4 046.856 422 4 square meter

Who won the Oscar for Short Film - Live Action - in 1951?

Nature's Half Acre won the Oscar for Short Film - Live Action - in 1951.

An acre with long side 250ft how long is the short side?

An acre is an area of land equivalent to a rectangle 660*66 ft in size, or 43560 square feet. 43560 / 250 = 174.24 feet. ■

What fraction of an acre is 0.322 acre?

0.322 acre is 322/1000 acre. This can be simplified to 161/500 acre, which means 0.322 acre is equivalent to 161/500 acre.

How many gunta in one acre land?

i acre = 40 guntasi acre = 40 guntasi acre = 40 guntasi acre = 40 guntas

How much land is needed for a good airsoft field?

Anything over an acre is fine. Anything smaller will have really short games.

What was the site of the siege of the Third Crusade?

Acre Acre Acre

When was White Acre vs. Black Acre created?

White Acre vs. Black Acre was created in 1856.