

What is a specific phobia?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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13y ago

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As its name suggests, a specific phobia is the fear of a particular situation or object

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Q: What is a specific phobia?
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There is no specific phobia for Pokemon. There is no known phobia for video games, either, of which Pokemon is.

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There is probably no specific term for that. But there is a specific term for the one who asked this question. Genius!!!!

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Yes. Since this is a specific fear, it would be termed a simple phobia (rather than a social phobia).

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Though some people have a phobia of Jewellery, there is no specific name for a phobia of bracelets

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There is no specific name.

Is there a name for a phobia of the 80s time period?

Well although there is not a specific phobia name for this there is a phobia name for the general time. Clocks or time- Chronophobia.

What is the phobia of tractors?

There isn't such a specific phobia listed. It might fall under mechanophobia - the fear of machines.

I have a phobia of ventilation in toilets the ones on the roof I can't use a toilet if there is one there Is there a name for this phobia and is it normal?

A phobia for ventilation in toilets is not normal and has no specific name.

Is there a phobia name for the fear of alligators?

This is the fear of Reptiles in general, since alligators are reptiles this works There is no specific phobia for alligators, but the phobia for reptiles is called herpetophopia.