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If you are referring to, for example, A is to B as C is to D, it is called a proportion.

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Q: What is a statement formed to express the equivelent of two ratios?
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What two ratios are equivelent to 18 to 4?

They are: 9 to 2 and 27 to 6

Four equivelent ratios of 8 to 32?

There are four equivalent ratios of the numbers 8 to 32. The four equivalent ratios are 4/16, 8/12, 7/1 and 3/5.

What is the answer to a statement were 2 ratios are equal?

First: "were 2 ratios are equal" is a statement that does not make sense. Second: Even if it did, it is a statement, not a question. So there cannot be an answer.

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A statement that two ratios are equal?


What is a mathematical statement that 2 ratios are equivalent?

That's a proportion.

How do you express ratios in the form 1 to n?

Ratios can be written either like this 4/5 or 4:5 both mean 4 out of 5

What are the Sources of Data for Financial Ratios?

Financial ratios of all company's can be calculated based on their financial statements that would be declared during their quarterly result announcement. Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Cashflows, Statement of Earnings etc are some of the documents from which the information required for calculating these financial ratios can be picked up. Also, if the company is listed in the stock market, its current stock price too is used for calculating some of these ratios.

What is an accurate description of a proportion?

A proportion is a statement that two ratios or rates are equal.

A statement that 2 ratios are equal?

A statement that two ratios are equal is called a proportion in math. An example of a proportion is 1/2 equals 2/4. In this proportion, if you cross multiply, you find that 4 x1 is equal to 2 x 2, which is a true statement or proportion.

Do elements that combine in changing ratios form mixtures?

When elements combine in changing ratios, they form compounds rather than mixtures. Mixtures are made up of different substances that are not chemically bonded together, while compounds are formed by chemical bonding between elements in specific ratios.

When using mathematics to evaluate alternatives which is a statement of equality between two ratios?

A proportion