

What is a unique polygon?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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12y ago

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rare square

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Q: What is a unique polygon?
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rare square

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A polygon with sides three, equilateral triangle, for me.

What is a 56 sided shape called?

Every polygon known has a unique name. These names are created, usually based of the number of sides on the polygon. The pentacontakaihexagon is a polygon with 56 sides.

What makes Art Deco unique?

Geometrical forms like polygon, rich and bold colors and symmetrical patterns makes Art Deco unique. Another reason why Art Deco is unique is because it embraced technology.

A quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon?

Yes, a quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and four angles. Some examples of quadrilaterals include squares, rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids. Each quadrilateral has its own unique properties and characteristics.

What is a polygon with equal sides and angles is a what polygon?

it seems to me that the only polygon of your description is a square

Types of polygons?

A type of polygon is a rhombusial polygon, trysectalnict polygon, and a equilateral polygon.

Is a traingle a regular polygon or a polygon?

A triangle (not traingle) is a polygon. It can be a regular polygon but need not be.

Is and arrow a polygon?

an arrow is or isn't a polygon?

Polygon A is a square. Polygon B has 4 more sides than polygon A. What type of polygon is B?

Polygon B is an octagon.

What is another name for equiangular polygon?

Regular polygon Equilateral polygon Polygon with rotational symmetry

What is a eqaulateral Polygon?

An equilateral polygon is a polygon where the length of all the sides of the polygon are the same length.