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Q: What is a unit of radioactivity that is equal to one decay per second?
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The derived SI unit of radioactivity named after a french physicist?

The derived SI unit of radioactivity named after a French physicist is the becquerel, symbolized as Bq. It is used to measure the rate of radioactive decay in a substance, with 1 becquerel equaling 1 decay per second. The unit honors Henri Becquerel, who discovered radioactivity in 1896.

How many decays per second is in a curie?

Curie: A unit of radioactivity equal to 3.7 � 10^10 Disintegrations (decays) per second.

Who discovered radioactivity?

henri bacquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896.Artificial radioactivity was first discovered by Joliot Curie and her husband in 1934 while studying the effect of alpha particle bombardment on like elements like Aluminium

What is TBq stands for?

TBq stands for terabecquerel, which is a unit of radioactivity equal to one trillion becquerels. It measures the rate of radioactive decay.

Is radiation measured in emissions sec called the curie?

No, radiation is not measured in emissions per second. The curie (Ci) is a unit used to measure the activity of a radioactive substance, representing the rate of radioactive decay. The unit for measuring radiation exposure is the sievert (Sv).

What is a unit rate in math?

A unit rate is a ratio where the second component is equal to 1.

What is the measuring unit of nuclear raditions?

Becquerel-Bq SI Unit of radioactivity

What is the most common units used to express the activity of a radioactive substance?

The most common unit used to express the activity of a radioactive substance is the Becquerel (Bq). One Becquerel is equal to one radioactive decay per second.

Is radiation measured in emissionssec called the curie?

No, radiation is typically measured in sieverts (Sv) or becquerels (Bq). The curie is a unit of measurement for radioactivity, not radiation.

What unit is power measured in?

The SI unit for power is the watt, which is equal to joules/second.The SI unit for power is the watt, which is equal to joules/second.The SI unit for power is the watt, which is equal to joules/second.The SI unit for power is the watt, which is equal to joules/second.

What is the SI unit of vibration in power plant?

The unit is hertz (Hz) equal to 1 cycle/second.

What is the unit measure for power?

The watt, which is equal to joules/second.