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Q: What is accepting or rejecting your hypothesis?
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Related questions

Does rejecting null hypothesis mens accepting alternate hypothesis?

Yes, usually.

What is Hypothesis Testing of Type I Error?

Rejecting a true null hypothesis.

How can rejecting be just as valuable or more valuable than supporting a hypothesis?

Rejecting a hypothesis shows you that it was wrong and it shows you what not to do. It can help lead you to a better, more accurate hypothesis the next time.

What are the three parts of a hypotnesis statement?

A hypothesis statement consists of three parts: the null hypothesis (H0), the alternative hypothesis (Ha), and the level of significance (alpha). The null hypothesis states that there is no relationship or difference between variables, while the alternative hypothesis suggests the presence of a relationship or difference. The level of significance determines the threshold for accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis based on statistical testing.

What does rejecting your null hypothesis mean?

Rejecting null hypothesis means that rumour of a fact is been experimented in d lab and the reseacher later discovered that hypothesis pseudo i.e fack fact but not a theory

If you Increasing alpha from 01 to 05 will it increase the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis?

Increasing alpha from .01 to .05 will increase the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.

What increases the chances of rejecting null hypothesis?

sample size

How is the null hypothesis of the independent samples t test verbalized?

The null hypothesis of the independent samples t-test is verbalized by either accepting or rejecting it due to the value of the t-test. If the value is less than 0.05 it is accepted and greater than 0.05 is rejecting it.

Why did the public go from rejecting the Vietnam war memorial to accepting it?

Father Time.

What is Type I Error - a false-positive error?

Rejecting a true null hypothesis.

What is an alpha error?

An alpha error is another name in statistics for a type I error, rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true.

What is Hypothesis Testing of Alpha Value?

Probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis; that is, the alpha value or risk you are willing to take probabilistically speaking.