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Q: What is allowable amount of time to cool foods between the temperatures of 135 and degF and 41 and degF is?
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What are some foods allowed for consumption in a type 2 diabetes diet plan?

Most foods are allowable in a diabetic diet. The thing to watch is the amount of carbohydrates and sugars in the foods. There are many low sugar and carbohydrate options available for most foods now.

How can temperature be helpful for food?

Cooler temperatures help preserve foods, higher temperatures kill the bacteria and prepare the foods so they can be eaten.

What foods grow in cold temperatures?

sage does

Are you allowed to bring salami into the US from Canada?

You should have no problem taking a small amount of packaged foods with you, but you should definitely check with Canadian customs to be sure. Check this link from the Canadian Border Services Agency: Scroll down to where it discusses allowable items and quantities, including foods and alcoholic beverages.

Who eats Glatt kosher foods?

People who want to be sure that the food they eat is kosher, rather than relying on lenient opinions and legally allowable assumptions.

How do you freeze foods?

Seal the food in an airtight container or with freezer wrap and place it in the freezer. The best temperatures for long-term freezing of foods is between 0 degrees F to -18 degrees F, depending on the length you plan to leave the food in the freezer.

Why are most foods stored in fridges or freezers?

bacteria grow slower in cold temperatures

How airplane scan the foods?

Passengers with babies are allowed to carry a reasonable amount of medication, food, baby formula, juice or breast milk over three ounces. These items must be declared at the checkpoint for inspection. They do not need to be in a Ziploc bag. Allowable carry-on baby items include gel or liquid-filled teethers, processed baby food and canned or jarred baby food. Other foods will be additionally screened.

What foods have a good amount of potassium?


What foods contain a high amount of vitamin a?

Liver, Sweet Potatoes, and Carrots are all foods that carry a high amount of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is really good for you, so you should try to eat these foods.

What temperature kills the most bacteria?

High temperatures kill the most bacteria. These temperatures should be at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit in foods like many meats.

Do grams measure the amount of energy in food?

No, grams measure the weight or mass of a substance. The amount of energy in food is measured in calories or joules. The energy content is determined by the macronutrients (such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) present in the food.