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Q: What is an algebraic model used to find the exact solution of a system of equations?
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How can graphs be used to estimate the solution for a system of linear equations?

Graphs can be used in the following way to estimate the solution of a system of liner equations. After you graph however many equations you have, the point of intersection will be your solution. However, reading the exact solution on a graph may be tricky, so that's why other methods (substitution and elimination) are preferred.

What is the exact solution to cosx equals x?

There is no "exact" solution. This type of equation falls into the category of transcendental equations, which generally don't have exact solution except in special cases. The approximate solution, however, is roughly 0.739085

How many solutions does the nonlinear system of equations graphed when the graph open up and down?

A system of equations means that there are more than one equations. The answer depends on the exact function(s).

What is the limitation of Schrodinger equations?

The biggest limitation by far is that an exact solution is possible for only a small number of initial conditions. For example, one can figure out the solution for permitted states of one electron around a nucleus. However, there is no exact solution for even two electrons around a nucleus.

Which of these is a reason to substitute the values back into the equations when solving a system by graphing?

you cannot determine the exact value of the point

What is a variable or quantity measured in?

Units. Meters per Second. Cycles per Second. Grams per Liter. Units act in algebraic equations in the exact same way as Numbers because they [also] may Cancel Out.

Why is trial and error so useful in math?

There are many equations for which there is no method for obtaining an exact solution. In such circumstances, an efficient trial and error method may be the only way.

What is the difference between the exact solution and a approximate solution?

An exact solution is the accurate solution, whilst an approximate solution is only near enough

How do you solve equations using square root?

The answer will depend on the exact nature of the equation.

What did Karl Schwarzschild discover?

Karl Schwarzschild discovered the first exact solution to Einstein's field equations of general relativity, now known as the Schwarzschild metric. This solution describes the gravitational field outside a spherically symmetric non-rotating mass, such as a black hole.

How do you check equations by estimating?

Use estimates and see if the calculation gives an answer that is similar to the exact calculated value.