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The light in your garage, and the switch that controls it.

The switch has two positions, labeled with the code names ON and OFF. It can't be in any in-between position.

The light has two states, described as SHINING and DARK. It can't be in any in-between state.

The switch utilizes a digital input to control the digital state of the light.

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Q: What is an example of a digital system?
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Example of digital system?

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Why digital camera is an example of an close loop control system?

I dont know hello i no nothing about this but i think the work because its made out of baterys and well its digital

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A digital system can recognize digital data i.e. data only in form of 0 & 1, if data is not in digital form we have to convert it using analog to digital converters.

What is the meaning of data acquisition systems?

A data acquisition system covers any system that converts analog waves into digital values for processing. A sensor that detects temperature, for example, takes the analog information and converts it into digital information that can be processed.

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What is the smallest unit in digital system?

The smallest unit in a digital system is a binary digit, also known as a bit. A bit can represent two possible states: 0 or 1. It is the fundamental building block used for representing data and carrying out computational tasks in digital systems.

What is digital simulation?

Analog system simulation is more sensitive to the changes in the parameters compared to the digital system. This is because of the continuous nature of the analog signals, unlike the discreet nature of the digital signals. Digital systems have gates which can not be used in Analog system.

What is a digital system?

A digital cellular system transmits a caller's voice by converting the sound waves into a numerical code

Is a distributed control system the same thing as a digital control system?

No. But most distributed control systems ARE digital.

What is difference between digital image processing and digital signal processing?

Digital Image Processing is a type of Digital manipulation pertaining to pictures and video. "Photoshopping" a digital picture is an example of Digital Image Processing. Another example is what takes place in a digital camera when the image is captured on the image sensor and converted into a JPEG file to be saved on a memory card. Digital Signal Processing is a generic term for any manipulation of a Digitally encoded signal, such as Audio, Video, or Radio Signals. This also includes Digital Image Processing where there is a signal being sent from one part of a system to another, such as in a digital camera. There are Microprocessors that are specifically built to process digital signals known as "Digital Signal Processors" (or DSP's).