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All life on earth dying out by the end of this year.

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Q: What is an example of a result that would have a probability near 0 percent?
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Can probability be expressed as a percent?

Yes, probability can be expressed as a percent. It is common to express probabilities as a percentage, which is calculated by multiplying the probability by 100. For example, if the probability of an event is 0.25, it can also be expressed as 25%.

What is the probability that it will not be black?

That would be based upon the remainder of the probability it could be anything else, depending upon all of the other choices (red, white, yellow, Caucasian...). For example, if there is a 99 percent chance it's white, and the only two choices are white or black, and there are no external constraints that prevent it from being less than random, there would be a 1 percent probability it would be black.

Example of joint probability?

Joint probability is the probability that two or more specific outcomes will occur in an event. An example of joint probability would be rolling a 2 and a 5 using two different dice.

What is the probability that going to a thai restaurant would result in indegestion?


How will you change fractoin to percent?

Divide and then multiply the result times 100. For example, 5/7 as a percent would be 5/7 x 100 = 71%.

If something has probability 1000 percent is it sure to happen?

In the context of the usage 1000%, it would be sure to happen. As far as probability is concerned, the probability of certain is 1 or 100%.

What does probability mean in math terms?

you are finding the probable answer in a question EXAMPLE: Michelle has 10 cards. She is giving 2 to Shannon. What would the fraction, the dot (decimal) and the percent be? ANSWER: The fraction is... 2-10 The decimal is... .20 The percent is...20%

A bag has 13 green marbles What is the probability pf drawing out a green marble?

your probability would be 13/13. you would have a 100 percent chance of getting a green marble

How do you work out probability?

The probability of a result you want is (the total number of results that would satisfy you) divided by (the total number of all possible results).

How many times would a coin have to show heads in 50 tosses to show an experimental probability of 20 percent more than the theoretical probability of getting heads?

Theoretical probability = 0.5 Experimental probability = 20% more = 0.6 In 50 tosses, that would imply 30 heads.

What is the defition of probability?

Probability is the likelihood that the desired outcome would happen in a set situation. Small amounts of tests may show a skewed number differing from the probability but as more simulations are ran the actual result will get closer and closer to the probability.

What would be the probability type A and type B when randomly selected when A is 29 percent AB is 25 percent O is 7 percent B is 39 percent?

Only one selected 68%