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Q: What is an example of constant used in math?
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What does constant mean in math?

Constant is a number with no variables. For an example, 12a, but this is a constant 12.

What is the definition of constant used in math?

A number without a variable. Ex.) 5 is a constant, 5x is not.

What does the math term constant mean?

Constant just means that the number does not change. For example, in Chemistry, avogadro's number is 6.022x10^23 and that number will never change, therefore it is a constant.

What is a math consonant?

I think that you are thinking of a math constant. A constant is something that doesn't change. The opposite would be a variable, which can change. For example: y=5 In this case, y always equals 5; so y is a constant. Second example; y=2x In this example, y is a variable, because its value depends upon the value of x. For example, if x=2, then y=4, but if x=10, then y=20.

Why is pie the math term used?

It is the constant representing the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

What is a example of how numbers are used math?


What is a constant factor used for in chemistry?

For example the Avogadro number.

What in math is smething that does not change?

In Math, something that does not change is called a Constant

What does c equal?

In math, a number signified by "C" is a constant number. A constant is the opposite of a variable. While a variable changes, a constant will always stay the same. For example, in the equation y = 4x + 10, 10 is a constant. If you did not know the value of 10 (for example, if you had just integrated), it could be written as y = 4x + c.

How can mental math be used to solve an equation?

Mental math is basically math in your head so for example 40x2=80 so I did that in my head

Places math is used?

Math is used mainly everywhere. For example in stores when there is a sale or your're paying for your item or at homewhen your're cooking or backing. Math is used mainly everywhere. For example in stores when there is a sale or your're paying for your item or at home when your're cooking or backing.

How do you find constant in math?

The answer depends on what the constant is: the y-intercept in a linear graph, constant of proportionality, constant of integration, physical [universal] constant.