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- [0.25 < 0.50]


-0.25 > -0.50

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Q: What is an inequality for a loss of 25 points is less than a loss of 50 points?
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On a graphed inequality is a point that is on the line part of the solution?

It depends upon the inequality. All points on the line are those which are equal, thus:If the inequality is (strictly) "less than" () then the points on the line are not included; howeverif the inequality is "less than or equals" (&acirc;&permil;&curren;) or "greater than or equals" (&acirc;&permil;&yen;) then the points on the line are included.

What are the end points on a graph of an inequality containing less than or equal to?

A Zebra.(:

Is xl7.6x7.0 an inequality?

No. To be an inequality, it must somewhere have a greater than, less than, greater-or-equal, or less-or-equal sign.

What is the inequality x - 4 is less than 5?

That already IS the inequality.

The solutions to a linear inequality are the points in the plane that make the inequality true?

Yes, and no. The solution set to an inequality are those points which satisfy the inequality. A linear inequality is one in which no variable has a power greater than 1. Only if there are two variables will the solution be points in a plane; if there are more than two variables then the solution set will be points in a higher space, for example the solution set to the linear inequality x + y + z &lt; 1 is a set of points in three dimensional space.

Is -5 a solution to this inequality x3?

"x3" is not an inequality. An inequality will have one of the following signs: less-than, less-than-or-equal, greater-than, greater-than-or-equal. for example: 3x - 5 &lt; 15

Is 4 a solution to the inequality x4?

x^4 is not an inequality. (An inequality has a "bigger than or equal to/less than or equal to/less than/bigger than" sign involved. I.e not an "equals" sign, since this would be an "equality"). But x^4 is not an equality, nor an inequality.

Find the graph of the inequality y plus 2 -x - 6?


Is -4 the solution of an inequality x-4?


When will the graph of an equation inequality be a dotted line?

The line is dotted when the inequality is a strict inequality, ie it is either "less than" (&lt;) or "greater than" (&gt;). If there is an equality in the inequality, ie "less than or equal to" (&le;), "greater than or equal to" (&ge;) or "equal to" (=) then the line is drawn as a solid line.

What are the critical features of an inequality?

An inequality must have a greater than sign (&gt;) OR a less than sign (&lt;) OR a greater than or equal to sign (&ge;) OR a less than or equal to sign (&le;).

What is the equation for 45 less than 95?

First of all, if you have "Less than" or "Greater than" between your numbers, it means that you have an inequality, not an equation.The inequality is: 45