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6x < 60

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Q: What is an inequality for six times a number is less than sixty?
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Is a number an expression equation or inequality?

A number is an expression. It is not an equation, or an inequality, since it doesn't have an equal sign, or an inequality (greater than, less than, etc.) sign.

Is the quotient of tirty-five and a number t is less than or equal to seven and equation or inequality?

It is considered an inequality.

What is a number x is at most -10?

If you want that as an inequality, you write:x &lt;= -10 You can replace "&lt;=" with the corresponding inequality symbol (less than or equal).

Why it is necessary to reverse the inequality symbol when multiplying both side of an inequality by a negative number?

You need to reverse the inequality symbol when multiplying both sides of an inequality by a negative number because you are changing the sign of both sides of the equation. Since inequality, such as "less than", means "to the left of" on the number line (where left is minus and right is plus) then a number that is less than another will be greater than the other if the signs were reversed. Example: 3 is less than 4, but -3 is greater than -4.

What happens when both sides of a less than inequality are multiplied or divided by a negative number?

The inequality sign becomes greater than (&gt;).

What is a solution of the inequality 2x 37?

Any number that's two or less.

What is the inequality Negative three times a number increased by seven is less than negative 3?

-3x + 7 &lt; -3 -3x &lt; 4 x &gt; -(4/3) &#9632;

Do you only flip the inequality when you divide by a negative number?

Yes you do, you also flip the inequality sign if you multiply by a negative # The &gt; and &lt; signs are strictly the "Greater than" and "Less than" signs. The inequality sign is an = with a / stroke through it. If you divide an inequality by -1 it remains an inequality.

what of these numbers is a solution to the inequality 4 times a is less than or equal to twelve?

how about i dont know

What is the effect of multiplying both sides of an inequality by a negative number?

It changes the direction of the inequality.

How do you translate to an inequalities7 less than a number is less than 5?

Suppose the number is x. Then the inequality is: x - 7 &lt; 5 which is equivalent to x &lt; 12

Why is a linear inequality is usefuln when there are many solutions?

The area in the inequality gives you choices. Like the number of pounds that an elevator can carry is anything less than its maximum.