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The x value represents the line going up and down on a graph. The y axis represents the line going side to sdie of the graph. An example is (3, -2) the x value is the 3. that means you go across (the side to side line) to the third point and put your dot there. the -2 is the y value. then you go to the line pointing up and down and go down two spots from the middle where the lines meet.

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Q: What is an x and a y value that is a point on a graph?
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What does a point represent on a graph?

A point can represent a piece of data or an (x,y) value.

What is the point at which a graph intersects the y-axis?

A graph intersects the y-axis at the y-intercept; its x value is zero.

What does the y intercept have to do with the graph?

The y-intercept on the graph shows where the graph crosses the y-axis. The value is always the value of y at that point, because x is always equal to zero.

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It will be 16.

What is a pair of numbers to determine the point on a graph?

A pair of numbers are usually (x,y) if u want to determine a point on a graph. Find the value for both x and y and then plot them on a graph

What is the difference of x intercept and y intercept?

The y-intercept is the value of the function when 'x' is zero. That is, it's the point at which the graph of the function intercepts (crosses) the y-axis. The x-intercept is the value of 'x' that makes the value of the function zero. That is, it's the point at which 'y' is zero, and the graph of the function intercepts the x-axis.

How do I graph a point with a 0 as the x value?

It is the y-axis, or the yz plane.

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What is x intercept defined as?

The x-intercept is the point at which a graph or function intersects the x-axis. It is the value of x when y is equal to zero on the graph.

How do you explain abscissa and ordinate?

The vertical axis of a graph is known as the ordinate and the horizontal axis of a graph is known as the abscissa. So commonly when talking about (x,y) as a point on the graph, we refer to x value as the abscissa and y value as the ordinate.

Find the coordinates of a second point on the graph of a function f if the given point is on the graph and the function is even?

If the point (x,y) is on the graph of the even function y = f(x) then so is (-x,y)

What is a horizontal line on a graph?

On a 2 dimensional graph, the Y value is the same in each point on a horizontal line. The X value, however, changes. For example, the line Y=7 is an horizontal line; The Y value for every point on the line is 7, yet the X value changes. It is worth pointing out that the line will be straight.