Expressing statistical data
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The box goes from the lower quartile to the upper quartile and has the median marked across it. The whiskers stretch out, from the box, to the minimum and the maximum.
The whiskers mark the ends of the range of figures - they are the furthest outliers. * * * * * No. Outliers are not part of a box and whiskers plot. The whiskers mark the ends of the minimum and maximum observations EXCLUDING outliers. Outliers, if any, are marked with an X.
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There are 5 (not 4) parts of an elementary box and whiskers plot. From left to right, they are: minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum. A more advanced version of plot is used for data containing outliers. In such cases the whiskers extend to the minimum or maximum EXCLUDING the outlier(s) and the outliers themselves are marked with Xs - beyond the scope of the whiskers.
Both ends of the the box (the "whiskers") plot determine the range of your data, without including outliers. (Outliers are marked by an asterisk). The end of the left side of the box is the lower quartile. The line in the box is the median. The other end of the box represent the upper quartile.
----------------------[___________________]----------------- that is the box -n- whiskers )
There can be no sensible box-and-whiskers plot for just one number - no matter how large it is.There can be no sensible box-and-whiskers plot for just one number - no matter how large it is.There can be no sensible box-and-whiskers plot for just one number - no matter how large it is.There can be no sensible box-and-whiskers plot for just one number - no matter how large it is.
A box plot may be used at a preliminary stage to determine the centre and spread of a set of data. The box [and whiskers] plot measures the central point by the median and the range from the maximum and minimum or the quartile points.
i used to have coy fish and they all have whiskers. artist's interpretation?
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the e whiskers are used as sensors .it can use it to detect climate change.
Cats whiskers are used to let the cat know if they will fit through a area. If a cats whiskers are cut it throws off their sense of balance also.
There are several differences but (in my view) the main one is that the stem and leaf retains all the information about the observed data (except the order in which the observations were recorded). The box and whiskers uses only five summary statistics.
If the median is exactly in the middle of the box, and the box is exactly in the middle of the whiskers, then skewness = 0. The data are skewed if either the median is off-centre in the box, or if the box is off-centre overall.
Outliers on a modified box plot will be noted away from the ends of the whiskers, as they are not considered part of the range, due to the fact that they are so different from the rest of the data. In a regular box plot, the lowest value, whether it is an outlier or not, will be the beginning of the 1st whisker, the highest value, whether an outlier or not will be the end of the 2nd whisker.
The [vertical] sides of the box go from the Lower Quartile to the Upper Quartile. The Median is drawn parallel to these sides. The whiskers stretch out from half-way up the sides of the box to the minimum and the maximum.
If the data are quantitative they must have a median. If there is no median it is only because the data are qualitative and, in that case, a box and whiskers plot is meaningless.