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Chain Base Method

In this method, there is no fixed base period. The year immediately preceding the one for which price index have to be calculated is assumed as the base year. Thus, for the year1994 the base year would be 1993, for 1993 it would be 1992 for 1992 it would be 1991 and so on. In his way there is no fixed base. It goes on changing. The chief advantage of this method is that the price relatives of a year can be compared with the price level of the immediately preceding year. Businessmen mostly interested in comparison of this type rather than in comparison relating to distant past. Yet another advantage of the chain base method is that it is possible to include new items in an index number or to delete old times which are no more important. In fixed base method it is not possible. But chain base method has drawback that comparison cannot be made over a long period.
In Chain Base,
Link relative of current years

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Q: What is chain based method of analysis in statistics?
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What are the four advantages of plane table survey over chain and compass survey?

1.useful in areas which are difficult to be accesed while chain survey is limited 2.less subjective to errors,in comparison to chain survey which subjected with errors such as change in chain length 3.useful in surveying a large area since it uses transverse(taking bearing from observer to an object ana vice versa is true) is accurate method for mapping,compare to chain survey

Does maximizing the scalar multiplication in matrix chain multiplication exhibit optimal substructure?

I think so. Copy and paste method could be used to prove this. But this is only my opinion.

How is integration through substitution related to the Chain Rule?

i love wikipedia!According to wiki: In calculus, integration by substitution is a method for finding antiderivatives and integrals. Using the fundamental theorem of calculus often requires finding an antiderivative. For this and other reasons, integration by substitution is an important tool for mathematicians. It is the counterpart to the chain rule of differentiation.

Why is twenty two yards called a chain?

In 1620, the clergyman Edmund Gunter developed a method of surveying land accurately with low technology equipment, using what became known as Gunter's chain. This was 66 feet (22 yards) long and from the practice of using his chain, the word transferred to the actual measured unit. His chain had 100 links, and the link is used as a subdivision of the chain as a unit of length. A rectangle of land one furlong in length and one chain in width has an area of one acre. It is sometimes suggested that this was a medieval parcel of land capable of being worked by one man and supporting one family, but there is no documentary support for this assertion, and it would in any case have predated Gunter's work.

What atomic bombs were made from Albert Einstein's E equals mc squared?

None. The amount of energy released by an atomic bomb is an infinitesimally small fraction of the amount given by that equation. The atomic bomb is based on chain reactions: fission driven by neutron chain reaction, fusion bomb driven by high heat & pressure.

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What is a method preparing DNA for forensic analysis?

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ABM strategically incorporates activity analysis, activity-based costing (ABC), activity-based budgeting, life cycle and target costing, process value analysis, and value-chain analysis.

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Cause and Effect is a what could not what did. Its a theory chain

Which is a method of preparing DNA for forensic analysis?

polymerase chain reaction

What is a method of preparing DNA for forensic analysis?

One method of preparing DNA for forensic analysis is by using a process called DNA extraction. This involves breaking open the cells containing the DNA, separating the DNA from other cellular components, and purifying it for further analysis such as PCR or DNA sequencing. Techniques like phenol-chloroform extraction or silica-based DNA purification kits are commonly used in forensic labs.

What is the significance of a value chain?

A value chain is the series of activities that a business performs in order to deliver a product or service to the marketplace. The value chain method is significant due to it being a powerful tool for analysis and strategic planning for the business model.

Which method is preparing DNA for forensic analysis?

The method commonly used for preparing DNA for forensic analysis is called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR amplifies specific regions of DNA so that they can be analyzed in detail. This method allows for small amounts of DNA to be replicated, making it suitable for forensic samples with limited DNA material.

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Straight chain method is you may find your answer right away, On the otherhand the Cyclic chain method is you will do the process again until you find the right answer

What is straight chain scientific method?

Straight chain method is you may find your answer right away, On the otherhand the Cyclic chain method is you will do the process again until you find the right answer

How would you define activity-based management?

Activity-based management (ABM) is an approach to management in which process managers are given the responsibility and authority to continuously improve the planning and control of operations by focusing on key operational activities.

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The recommended method for determining the correct bike chain size for optimal performance and longevity is to consult the manufacturer's guidelines or a professional bike mechanic. They can help you choose the right chain size based on your bike's specifications and riding style.