Cosine of 225 degrees is about -0.707107.
Cosine of 225 radians is about 0.367319.
Cos times Cos
sin(3A) = sin(2A + A) = sin(2A)*cos(A) + cos(2A)*sin(A)= sin(A+A)*cos(A) + cos(A+A)*sin(A) = 2*sin(A)*cos(A)*cos(A) + {cos^2(A) - sin^2(A)}*sin(A) = 2*sin(A)*cos^2(A) + sin(a)*cos^2(A) - sin^3(A) = 3*sin(A)*cos^2(A) - sin^3(A)
Like normal expansion of brackets, along with: cos(A + B) = cos A cos B - sin A sin B sin(A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B 5(cos 20 + i sin 20) × 8(cos 15 + i sin 15) = 5×8 × (cos 20 + i sin 20)(cos 15 + i sin 15) = 40(cos 20 cos 15 + i sin 15 cos 20 + i cos 15 sin 20 + i² sin 20 sin 15) = 40(cos 20 cos 15 - sin 20 cos 15 + i(sin 15 cos 20 + cos 15 sin 20)) = 40(cos(20 +15) + i sin(15 + 20)) = 40(cos 35 + i sin 35)
When the angle X = 45 or 225 degrees, or any other angle that falls at the same position as one of these angles in polar coordinates.
Cos times Cos
No. Cos squared x is not the same as cos x squared. Cos squared x means cos (x) times cos (x) Cos x squared means cos (x squared)
cos(30)cos(55)+sin(30)sin(55)=cos(30-55) = cos(-25)=cos(25) Note: cos(a)=cos(-a) for any angle 'a'. cos(a)cos(b)+sin(a)sin(b)=cos(a-b) for any 'a' and 'b'.
cos i
[sin - cos + 1]/[sin + cos - 1] = [sin + 1]/cosiff [sin - cos + 1]*cos = [sin + 1]*[sin + cos - 1]iff sin*cos - cos^2 + cos = sin^2 + sin*cos - sin + sin + cos - 1iff -cos^2 = sin^2 - 11 = sin^2 + cos^2, which is true,
The cosine function is an even function which means that cos(-x) = cos(x). So, if cos of an angle is positive, then the cos of the negative of that angle is positive and if cos of an angle is negative, then the cos of the negative of that angle is negaitive.
cos 2x = cos2 x - sin2 x = 2 cos2 x - 1; whence, cos 2x / cos x = 2 cos x - (1 / cos x) = 2 cos x - sec x.
Cos theta squared
Cos 295 fall s in the 4th quadrant where cosine is positive cos 295 = cos (360-295) = cos 65 = 0.4226