

What is cosine of 2 X 3.1416?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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14y ago

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The cosine of 2pi is 1. In fact, for every integer N, the cosine of 2 N pi is 1.

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Q: What is cosine of 2 X 3.1416?
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Why does cosine x equal cosine negative x?

This is going to require some visualization. Cosine is defined as the x-value on the unit circle. If you picture where a point would be, for example, at the angle of pi/6 (30°) you get a coordinate of (√(3)/2 , 1/2) so cosine is √(3)/2 and sine is 1/2 To find a negative angle you take the reflection across the x-axis. Since this does not chance the x-value, only the y, cosine does not change. The coordinates of -(pi/6) (-30°) are (√(3)/2 , -1/2). cos(-x) = cos(x) sin(-x) = - sin(x)■

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Sine and cosine are cofunctions, which means that their angles are complementary. Consequently, sin (90° - x) = cos x. Secant is the reciprocal of cosine so that sec x = 1/(cos x). Knowing these properties of trigonometric functions, among others, will really help you in other advance math courses.

Can you make cosine squared X divided by2 equal to cosine squared x with some constant?

You could just pull out the half: it will be (1/2) cos squared x.

How do you write cosine in terms of sine?

cos(x) = sin(pi/2-x) = -sin(x-pi/2)

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3 x 10 000 = 30 000, 14 x 10 = 140 and 16 x 1 = 1630 000 + 140 + 16 = 30 156

Sine squared in terms of cosine?

(1 - cos(2x))/2, where x is the variable. And/Or, 1 - cos(x)^2, where x is the variable.

How are ratios for sin and cosine alike?

sin(x) = cos(pi/2 - x). Thus sine is simply a horizontal translation of the cosine function. NB: angles are measured in radians.

What does sine times cosine equal?

Sin(x) cos(x) = 1/2 of sin(2x)

What is the value of x when a triangle has sides of 10 cm by x cm by x-2 cm which is opposite to angle 60 degrees?

If the sides are 10 cm by x cm by x-2 cm opposite to angle 60 degrees then by substituting the given values into the cosine rule a^2 = b^2 +c^2 -(2bc*cosine A) the value of x works out as 16

How do you differentiate a cosine function That is what is the derivative of the cosine of x with respect to the independent variable x?

The derivative of cosine of x is simply the negative sine of x. In mathematical terms f'(x) = d/dx[cos(x)] = -sin(x)

Half range sine and cosine series?

half range cosine series or sine series is noting but it consderingonly cosine or sine terms in the genralexpansion of fourierseriesfor examplehalf range cosine seriesf(x)=a1/2+sigma n=0to1 an cosnxwhere an=2/c *integral under limits f(x)cosnxand sine series is vice versa