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A cotan (abbreviation of cotangent) is a triganomic function used to define the ratio of the length of the adjacent side to the lenth of the opposite

Cot A = 1/tan a = adacent/ opposite = b/a.

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What are some five letter words with 2nd letter O and 4th letter A and 5th letter N?

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Given tan Theta equals negative 15 divided by 8 and 90 degrees is less than or equal to theta which is less than or equals to 180 state 5 other trigonometric ratios and determine the measure of theta?

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How many words can you make from octane?

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Is thalidomide used to treat cancer?

it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancer