

What is cubic polynomial?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: What is cubic polynomial?
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What is a synonym for third degree polynomial?

A cubic polynomial.

If you multiply a linear polynomial by a quadratic one what is the degree of the product polynomial?

It will be a cubic polynomial.

A quadratic polynomial is a third-degree polynomial?

No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).

What is a zero degree polynomial called?

a polynomial of called a cubic polynomial

Is the polynomial 6abc considered cubic?


What is a polynomial to the third power called?

A cubic.

Is A quadratic polynomial a third-degree polynomial?

No, it's second degree. Third degree is cubic.

Why are 1 2 3 and 4 not cubic polynomial functions?

1 2 3 and 4 are 4 numbers, they are not functions of any sort - cubic polynomial or otherwise.

How do you find the zeros of cubic polynomial equation?

If the cubic polynomial you are given does not have an obvious factorization, then you must use synthetic division. I'm sure wikipedia can tell you all about that.

What is the polynomial and degree of 7x3 6x2 -2?

The polynomial 7x3 + 6x2 - 2 has a degree of 3, making it cubic.

What is x3 plus 125?

It is a cubic polynomial in x and its value depends on the value of x.

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