17*pi = 53.40707511 inches
The formula for the circumference of a tree is Diameter * PI. If the circumference is known, then the diameter is equal to the circumference / PI. In this case, the diameter is equal to 5 foot 5.29 inches.
The diameter of a circle with a circumference of 2.75 inches is: 0.875 inches (circumference divided by pi = diameter).
Diameter = 11.14 inches (approx) ~ Circumference can be found by pi * diameter.
Circumference = pi*diameter = 87.96 inches.
The circumference of a circle when the diameter is 17 inches is: 53 inches.
Circumference = 17*pi
17*pi inches
d = 5.41 inches
Diameter = 54/pi = 17.18873385 or about 17 inches
17*pi = 53.40707511 inches
d = 5.41 inches
d = 5.41 inches
circumference = 17pi inches
The formula for the circumference of a tree is Diameter * PI. If the circumference is known, then the diameter is equal to the circumference / PI. In this case, the diameter is equal to 5 foot 5.29 inches.
The circumference of a circle, if the diameter is 9.5 inches, is: 29.85 inches (diameter x Pi = circumference)
If the circumference of a circle is 28 inches the diameter is: 8.913 inches (circumference divided by Pi = diameter).