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They can see your body language so you have to be honest. Eye contact is very vital when it comes to face to face meetings.

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Q: What is disadvantages of face to face meetings?
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Now a days, online meetings are as effective as face to face. We have webcameras and microphones. It is pretty much like being face to face. It is actually a lot easier, you can have meetings from home.

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Divergent boundaries involve plates moving apart, creating new oceanic crust. An example is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Convergent boundaries occur when plates come together, leading to subduction or mountain formation. The boundary between the Indian and Eurasian plates is a convergent boundary. Transform boundaries involve plates sliding against each other horizontally, like the San Andreas Fault in California.

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Meetings where the parties involved are all physically in the same room talking to one another. NOT conference calls or anything else.

Advantages and disadvantages of face to face communication?

Advantages of face to face communication is that you can look at a persons body language in order to tell how they are feeling. Disadvantages is that it can be awkward sometimes.

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ya face

How did Lithuanians communicate before phones and the internet?

Same way as any one else did it, through letters, telegrams and face-to face-meetings.