When a number can be divided by another number without leaving a remainder, it is called divisible. For example, 10 is divisible by 2 because when we divide 10 by 2, there is no remainder.
not without a remainder/decimal. the answer is 589 remainder 2 or 589.5
No, not without remainder.
How about 27
No, 252 is an even number because it is divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder.
When a number can be divided by another number without leaving a remainder, it is called divisible. For example, 10 is divisible by 2 because when we divide 10 by 2, there is no remainder.
not without a remainder/decimal. the answer is 589 remainder 2 or 589.5
Not without a remainder: 731 ÷ 3 = 243 remainder 2
All real numbers are divisible by 2. Only the even numbers (there are infinitely many) are divisible by 2 without remainder.
No, it is only divisible by 1, 2, 71, 142. In math terms, 'divisible' means divided without leaving a remainder.
Yes, 15298 is divisible by 2 because it is an even number. In mathematical terms, a number is divisible by 2 if it leaves no remainder when divided by 2. In this case, 15298 divided by 2 equals 7649, which is a whole number without any remainder.
268 is not divisible by 45 without remainder.
No, not without remainder.
How about 27
No, 83 is not divisible by 3. When a number is divisible by another number, it means that the division will result in a whole number without a remainder. In this case, when you divide 83 by 3, you get 27 with a remainder of 2, which means 83 is not divisible by 3.
Not without leaving a remainder, or a fraction 109 / 2 = 54.5 Only numbers which end in 0, 2, 4 , 6 or 8 are divisible by 2
No, 118 is not divisible by 9 without a remainder.