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14/18, 21/27, 28/36, 35/45

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Q: What is four equivalent fractions for seven ninths?
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Related questions

What is an equivalent fraction for two ninths?

Equivalent fractions for two ninths are, four eighteenths or six twenty sevenths. Hope I helped.

What are three fractions between four ninths and seven ninths?

1/2, 5/9, 2/3

What are three equivalent fractions for four ninths?

18and 8 ang 5

What is seven ninths minus four ninths?

Seven ninths minus four ninths is 1/3.

What is less seven ninths or four fifths?

seven ninths.

What is four ninths of twenty-seven?

12 is four ninths of twenty-seven.

Why does denominator stay the same when you add fractions?

When you add three of something to four of something, you get seven of something. It doesn't matter what the somethings are. Think of ninths as somethings. If you add three ninths and four ninths, you have to wind up with seven ninths. You can't wind up with seven eighteenths, because you weren't adding eighteenths to begin with.

What is one third plus four ninths?

It is seven ninths.

What are two fractions that are equivalent to two thirds?

Two thirds is equivalent to four sixths (4/6 or 4 over 6) and six ninths (6/9 or 6 over 9).

What are equivalent fractions for four ninths?

Some examples of equivalent fractions for 4/9 are 8/18, 12/27, 16/36 Multiplying the numerator and denominator of the fraction by the same integer will give any equivalent fraction you wish.

What is the fractions equivalent for the four fifteen plus seven twenty?

16/60 + 21/60

What is greater the fraction five ninths or four fifths?

LCD of 9 and 5 = 45 so equivalent fractions are 25/45 and 36/45. The latter is clearly the larger ie four fifths