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In many universities and colleges this is a course covering various topics in physics that avoids using the calculus.

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Q: What is general physics non calculus?
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Is calculus harder than physics?

Some people find calculus easier, others find physics easier. There is no general answer.

Will physics be hard for you if you are good at calculus?

Calculus will help but there is more to physics than just that.

What is the importance of studying calculus?

Calculus was invented to solve physics problems, so the importance of studying calculus is to solve physics problems.

Use of calculus?

Calculus was created to prove physics which defines the laws of nature.

What is the difference between Physics B and Physics C?

Physics B covers a broad range of topics in physics at a lower mathematical level compared to Physics C. Physics C focuses more on mechanics and electricity/magnetism, with a stronger emphasis on calculus-based problem-solving. Physics C is typically taken by students with a stronger math background and is often considered more rigorous than Physics B.

What is thr purpose of calculus?

The purpose of calculus is to solve physics problems.

What has the author Regina L Neiman written?

Regina L. Neiman has written: 'Study guide with additional calculus problems for Hecht's physics, calculus' -- subject(s): Calculus, Handbooks, manuals, Handbooks, manuals, etc, Mathematical physics, Physics

What is the difference between Newton and Leibniz calculus?

The difference between Leibniz calculus to Newton calculus was that Leibniz developed Newton's calculus into the calculus we all know today. For instance, diffentiation and intergration, limits, continuity, etc. This type of calculus was the pure mathematics. On the otherhand, the calculus which Newton found was that used in physics, such as speed and velocity which helped with physics greatly. Today, calculus not only used in just mathematics or physics, but used in finance, as well as exploited in engineering.

Is calculus used in quantum physics?

yes it is

What field did Isaac Newton develop?

physics and calculus

Is e equals mc2 calculus?

No. It's physics.

How is calculus used in physics?

Physics is an especially heavy user of the calculus: mechanics, electromagnetism, acoustics, optics. Richard Feynman was known for his great facility in this area of mathematics.